paralla x
In the way of a Duras novel or film it's as though something has just happened, but the writer hasn't told us the story. And it's enough to know this. It could be 'about' the impossibility of representing the story. What remains, what is given, could be artifacts of the process of living the story. These can happen in any order.
paralla x takes its title from a Stephen Holl book of the same name but with one more space and a line shift. Jude Walton works with the rigid architectural space of the EAF. The clean white box is broken by the approach - a wall is constructed of light (video) projection - another wall is slit open to an exit. In its recess hides a small monitor displaying the stick-like lines of a body in movement - these sticks connect to the pile of criss-crossed lines/poles on the floor.
It could be an alimentary - from entrance to exit. There is a map.
Teri Hoskins
Found map on Eurostar train
Dance, chance, dream, scream
He had quite often found himself in the grip of dangerous and entirely incomprehensible currents of emotion in the Parisian railway stations ... W. G. Sebald